Certifications: what are they and why they should be a priority for your company’s growth

2 min readJul 20, 2021


Certifications: what are they and why they should be a priority for your company’s growth. Campaign Creators on Unsplash
Certifications: what are they and why they should be a priority for your company’s growth. Campaign Creators on Unsplash

What are they and which are the advantages of certifications, and why they should be a vital axis of your employee training, as well as part of your company growth plan

It’s not news that digitalization is setting the pace in how companies adapt and grow. Now that the environment is becoming more and more digital, the need to build and maintain a more competitive workforce stands out, in every industry and line of work.

For example, a survey by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) found out that up to 42% of senior professionals in the financial sector are worried that technology might end up eliminating their functions.

In that sense, they believe it’s vital to broaden their range of competences, but also to certify their expertise level through certifications.

On a more individual level, certifications are also a competitive edge for employees: another report by the Project Management Institute indicates that, in this area, a certificate can imply salary raises of up to 26%.

But to make the call and begin investing in certification as a company and as a professional, it’s important to define their specific advantages and understand their reach in a training and development strategy.

What are certifications?

What are certifications? Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Certifications are documents that have the intention to guarantee (certify) a level of knowledge, experience or skills required to perform a certain job in a specific area or professional field.

As well, certifications are part of the requirements that international organisations and assessor determine as basic to standardize quality, security protocols, production and execution.

In that sense, they are vital for companies that want to expand to new markets or develop in certain sectors, as well to guarantee before authorities that they have needed competence and compliance levels.

Advantages of certifications

  • They allow professionals to aim for better jobs, at the same time, they help companies to offer more competitive roles and become higher level employers with more specialized talent profiles.
  • Simplifies the work of identifying needed job skills that can impact key areas for growth in any company.
  • Promotes employee retention. By showing that the company is willing to invest in their personnel, teams feel more committed and become more productive, according to studies.

Implement training programs and certifications inside your organization with one single tool

APPRENDO: the all-in-one training platform

Apprendo allows you to create and follow up on your own certification programs vital to the development of your company and your talent. Begin here!




Apprendo, la plataforma de entrenamiento para empresas y comunidades en línea.