The main barriers to employee training and development (and how to overcome them)
3 min readJul 6, 2021


What are the factors affecting your training and employee development strategies? Identify the barriers in the human talent management of your company

The main barriers to employee training and development (and how to overcome them). — Kai Pilger, Unsplash.
The main barriers to employee training and development (and how to overcome them). — Kai Pilger, Unsplash.

In between the different challenges companies are facing in the context of the global crisis originated by the pandemic, human talent management stands out not only because of the necessity to guarantee their activities and hiring, but also because of the much needed training and development.

But this was already a significant struggle for organizations, due to factors related to organizational culture, as well as others such as adequate tools for business scalability.

What are these obstacles and how to overcome them in order to grow?

Barriers of human talent management and training

Despite this depending on each individual company’s challenges, Apprendo has identified some constants in different types of organizations that tend to become barriers to learning in teams and for employee development.

“Leadership” in counter-flow

All companies have an identity, a culture that defines them. More than something that can just be decreed, it is built through the exchanges of teams and the leadership that conducts them. This permeates in the whole organization, without leaving development and training aside.

This is how a leader that resists change, shows little interest in growth and training for his or her collaborators, and that doesn’t give the opportunity for teams to obtain tools, space and time needed for their learning is the first and main barrier for team growth, but also for the business development itself.

Financial factor (or the investment dilemma)

Costs tend to be a huge hindrance when it comes to allocating budget for training efforts. Nonetheless, not investing in preparing their talent, actually, implies even more costs.

It’s been proven that training and to retain employees already in your payroll is less expensive than hiring new personnel, considering the resources and time needed from your dedicated team to recruit and onboard new people into the company.

From theory to practice: the tech factor

Learning effectiveness is directly related to the tools used to transmit it.

In other words, if you do not have the right platform to take theory into practice and adapt to a fully digital or hybrid way of work, results won’t be optimal.

Technology sets new standards and emphasizes that ideal training needs more than just the right content, but also a suitable experience.

This becomes yet more relevant considering that, in an increasingly competitive environment, industries have greater needs for certifications and technical abilities development (which are in itself in constant change) that urge to incorporate better solutions.

How to improve your employee training and development?

How to improve your employee training and development? — Alejandro Escamilla, Unsplash.
How to improve your employee training and development? — Alejandro Escamilla, Unsplash.

According to analysis by experts in Learning inside organizations, a better access to information and tools for Human Resources development (HRD) is crucial to overcome barriers in skill development and learning inside teams.

In that sense, creating the conditions for your training initiatives to be carried out is the first step to fully deploy the potential of the talent that makes up your company.

Implement a more effective strategy for human talent management with the right tools

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